Thursday 25 September 2014

Cambridge Bay

3rd Sept
   Up and at em this morning........Steve, Ding and i went to the hotel to get some wifi..........not brilliant again. Steve managed to log on, but, Ding and i were unable to get the computer to even get to the password. However, my i phone did seem to log on reasonably well. I sent a few messages to the gang and posted a few bits on facebook.........not large pickies though. Still can't get on my blog site.
We did as much as we could, moved the boat to the small steel dock, the fuel came and went, as did the water bowser. Gas seems unobtainable. Can't do laundry at the hotel until after 17:00. I bought some soap stone figures for the twins, an owl and a seal.
Steve, got the bits from the RCMP station, Lewmar had not sent the main quadrant on the gearbox...............darn it !!! Anyway, we put back together the new bits we had and started to re-assemble the steering. Arctic Tern asked us over for supper...............great......that was brilliant after a hard day at it.
We had a few beers and a lovely spaghetti bolognase and a few glasses of wine.
We left about 21:30 and headed back to Novara on the dock.
The wind had veered and Steve was concerned about the stern mooring line, so i went out and untied it , walked back to the boat to change the fixing on deck, threw the line down, prepared to  step down onto the boat (bear in mind it had been raining for a few hours), missed my footing / slipped and went straight down into the water between the boat and the steel dock wall........b##l#x.............i tried to get up, but i had my big Norwegian jumper on and it was full of water.
The worst of it was i lost my all time fav. balaclava i got from Bridgedale...........Merino wool an all...........gawd darn could spit !!!!
I shouted a couple of times, tried again to climb up the "springer lines", no good................i shouted again and now Tel and Steve are above me...straight away i got :
  • a  9.2 from Steve  
  • a  9.0 from Tel, 

purely for artistic impression (of course), nice i thought, get me out you barstewards....
............i can't swim and i can't drink all this dirty water !!!!!!!

Bearing in mind it was my sisters birthday, i reckoned it was'nt a good day to drown.............she would have given me so much grief !!!!!

At last, they grabbed my arm and pulled me out, i managed to get a foot hold on one of the timber boards........phew.........i was soaked !!!!!............water temperature 32F / 0C !!!!!!!!!! ...........SPHERICALS !!!!
So, the recommended swimwear for Arctic waters are as follows:

  • Southern Hundreds Isle of Man T shirt
  • Norwegian Dale wool jumper (approximate weight when wet, 1,000 kg)
  • Ralph Lauren under crackers
  • Walmart Black cargo jeans (they have to be black !!!)
  • Bridgedale socks (and my feet were still warm when i squelched down the boat to the shower).
  • ZM deck shoes.........complete with antifoul from the undersides of Novara.

Don't wear a brilliant merino wool bridgedale balaclava....cos, you'll lose it !!!

Straight into the shower i go, Steve shouts are you ok...............yeah fine i reply !!!!
That's enough excitement for today, bed !!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

Coming out of the rain and drizzle to start the entry into Cambridge Bay


Cambridge Bay

The dock at Cambridge Bay......dodgy !!!!
 Thanks Lewmar for not sending any shims for the new steering gear.........yes we managed............recognise it........a Margarine tub top.....cut by my expert hands.......perling !!!!

 Cargo ship comes back after a few days at another port to pick up empty containers, that the locals offload on the beach. Just amazing to watch, sooo slick an operation

Philos, Arctic Tern and Drina

The tug from the cargo boat..........just lifted down and off they go

Look at this Trish.............breakfast in bed for the skipper !!!!!

My plunge point at the black line....whoops scotties !!!

Gjoa (Ann & Glenn) & Drina with Paul on deck

Crew troughing down !!

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