Thursday 18 September 2014

20th Aug
Up at 07:00 ready to last look at the gribs and weather at the hotel. Steve does that, while i change the oil on the engine............bit messy.......oil all over my foot !!!!
Gawd, i can be a clumsy bugger at times !!!!! :-)
Steve gets back and after a cabinet meeting we decide to leave tomorrow, the gribs show strong winds in Lancaster sound and in the first section of Prince Regent !!!!!!!!!!!
A few jobs are competed on the boat in rediness for a departure tomorrow. Steve and i return to the hotel for a last lok at the ice charts and weather, also to catch up with family on skype. I had a good few minutes with Gemma & Urs which was ace.
The lady Manageress came in during our skype conversations and said hello and introduced her daughter to us. A pleasant young lass, late twenties i should say. She asked about our trip, what we were doing and where we were going etc etc . She was astounded that we were on our way to Alaska.
She and her mother had flown to Mexico a couple of years ago.............- 40 C when they left Arctic Bay..........when they arrived in Mexico it was 20 C........they were boiled alive she said.............LOL !!!
She went onto to tell us about her husband and brother.
They had gone on a hunting trip for Narwhal last winter on skidoos. One night (in their dome tent), they were woken by a polar bear ripping the sides out of the tent. The husband was grabbed by the head and had massive gouge marks from it's claws. Luckily he had a knife on him and managed to stab the bear, at which point it released him, only to attack his brother-in-law........the bear had him down on the floor and was biting his neck when the husband managed to get back the skidoo and get his rifle and shoot the bear just in the nick of time.
make mental note to oneself, on a peice of paper..........never leave rifle on skidoo!!!!!
 They were both in a bad way, but were able to get on their skidoo and travel 20 miles to a nearby hunting encampment and they were eventually airlifted to Iqaluit for treatment. After a week or so and some 140 stitches between them they were back in Arctic Bay. The husband still hunts, but his brother-in-law has said that's enough for me  !!!!

21st Aug
08:00 we have the anchor up and are away. Fort Ross next stop, unless we need to stop down Prince Regent any earlier due to ice.
WE HAVE THE SAILS UP.............yyyyyahhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooo....first time in weeks.
Port beam reach in 11 knots of wind doing 9.5 kn over the ground (1 kn of tide).......blooming brilliant.....gawd she's quick. We are storming up Admiralty Inlet. Soon got to the top of Admiralty.............then we hit a band of brash and growlers. I was on watch and we sailed through it at an average of 5 to 6 knots..........just brilliant....i loved it..............swerving from one side to another to miss the ice....................what a gas !!!!!
Doug contacted Fred about 17:00 and said Prince Regent was choked and to tell us. Steve rang Doug and confirmed it was still bad , but we might be able to bash our way through, if we were ok going 4/10 ice.............yeah !!!!.........we're up for that...........we have been through similar stuff before, but maybe not for as long.
"Lillian B" is off to Prince Leopold bay to shelter before they make an attempt. Doug asked if we could contact them and tell them to follow us problem.
Weather has been a bit naff today, some sleet and snow showers, a bit cold........but's the Arctic !!!!
LOVE IT.........LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yyyyyeeehhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
20:00..............furthest north yet................
73' 52' N - Sargent Point on the south coast of Lancaster Sound

The start of Carswell Bay ice got alot time for photos !!!

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