Wednesday 7 May 2014

Lift out

The electronics are ongoing nicely now, new chart plotters (x2) are in place and ready for connecting by Wayfarer's electronics boffin.
The AIS , HD colour radar and various other updates are nearing completion.
Steve and i have been crawling through hatches, over tanks under floorboards and generally getting ourselves stuck / wedged into small spaces pulling new cables for the aforementioned.

However, great fun has been had by all.

The weather is warming up nicely now and it is amazing how quickly nature is blooming and preparing itself for spring, it really is incredible how quickly the landscape has changed in the last week. Barren, dark brown patches have turned into lovely grassy lawns, the trees are blooming, cherry , apple and broom are out in abundance.
The fauna are also waking up after a very long winter, we have chipmunks in the garden and have seen some amazing birds. On the way back from the boat the other day we saw a bald eagle on a tree at the side of the road......just sat there, shame my camera did'nt have a better zoom on it, so it's a bit short on clarity, but still a blast.
Then, when we got home 4 Osprey's flew over, only got chance to get a photo of one, but hey.............just amazing to see them.

Camden harbour is coming alive, new boats are coming in every day.

On Tuesday, Novara was lifted out of the water to ready to have her undersides anti fouled, the anchor chain cleaned and refitted, the locker cleaned out and repainted, new anodes bolted on, the log cleaned and serviced, all the through hull fittings checked and cleaned, sea cocks checked and re-greased.
All in all a fair bit to do, at least the weather has improved.........result !!!!! :-)

We managed to "fry" the boat batteries last week , so Steve had to order new one's, they arrived today $5000 worth ..................ochhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!

When the boat came out yesterday, we noticed there are rope deflectors on each side of the propeller, Steve and i decided they needed to be a bit smaller just in case some large chunks of ice smash into them and push them onto the prop.
So, off i blasted this afternoon grinding away with the angle grinder from the boat, next minute i'm alight ...........the grinder caught fire !!!! Smoke everywhere, i quickly disconnected it and stood there completely at a loss. It's a 220v grinder, running on the boat's 220v system..................WHY has it gone up in flames ???
Of course Steve's first comment..........."what have you bust now"???, hey i reply, i've got a claim here .....LOL. Not my fault YOUR grinder caught fire !!!!
As luck would have it, the boatyard electrician was walking past, he checked it over and was as baffled us.

All we can think is, the grinder has been on the boat for so long, it has absorbed some salt / moisture (bearing in mind it is in new condition, though old) and just was'nt keen on being wound up ............whoops scotties.

Bald Eagle on a tree roadside, top and bottom are electric cables, could'nt get the shot without them in

Osprey flying over the house

Tanker plying up Penobscot Bay past Bill's house, on it's way to the oil terminal at Searsport

Novara passing in front of the church in Camden, coming down the harbour to be lifted out

Getting into position in front of the 110 T boat lift

On her way out


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